We will assist your family in the entire process of procuring services for your child, or ensuring that he or she is currently receiving appropriate services. This can be in the form of receiving Accommodations under Section 504, designed for those students who have a “physical or mental impairment” that “substantially limits one or more major life activities.” This can also be in the form of obtaining a complete evaluation to determine if your child is a child with a disability in need of Special Education supports and services through an IEP (Individualized Educational Plan).
As part of this process we will conduct observations, do a complete record review, attend IEP and/or 504 meetings, refer your family to outside providers if needed, and collaborate in a cooperative manner with the school team. We can also assist in the process of alternative placements in private therapeutic day or residential settings. We have made a point to not only visit, but also to get to know the directors of the therapeutic schools in the Chicagoland area, as well as out of state. If you are in the midst of a disagreement with your school district, we can intervene through early resolution, mediation, or the filing of complaints through your state board of Education, as well as the Office of Civil Rights.
If the need arises for moving to Due Process, we can refer you to one of the top attorneys in the state. We work closely with the best firms who deal with Special Education Law. It is important to note that our intention is to always work in a cooperative manner. We will utilize all means available, however, to fight for our client’s rights to a Free Appropriate Public Education in the Least Restrictive Environment.