Professional Learning

Our Training Offerings

The EAC Dyslexia Center is honored to be a Wilson® Training Partner and be authorized to offer professional learning opportunities for Wilson’s programs to individuals, schools, and districts. 

Wilson Reading System® (WRS) Introductory Course

The Wilson Reading System (WRS) builds on more than three decades of proven success teaching the structure of the English language, decoding, and spelling in an explicit, systematic, and sequential manner. 

Currently Enrolling:

Wilson Reading System® (WRS) Level I Certification

The Wilson Reading System (WRS) Level I Certification is recognized as an IDA Accreditation Plus program. It is designed to prepare teachers to effectively implement WRS Steps 1–6 with students who are reading and spelling below grade level, as well as those diagnosed with a language-based learning disability, such as dyslexia.

Currently Enrolling:

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